It has been awhile since my last update . After much struggle due to work commitment and DOTA everynite, finally i have launched my first money making blog . It is on a health product and without doing any link building , it is quietly sitting on page 16 of my target keyword . I am going to start link building and submitting article soon for this blog , the target earning is $1 per day

If you interested to find more about niche marketing , please visit Jonathan Leger's internet marketing blog . In his niche case study , you will learn how he chooses a niche , what tools he is using and how he promotes his blog , great stuff , at least he has inspired and set my expectation right .

My advise to kick start your first blog is "just do it" , don't wait for the perfect situation cause it will never arrived , start doing it and improve along the way. Most importantly , find a niche that you have passion and you are excited to learn more about the niche. Through your passion only than you can generate unique articles , your exclusive experience that make your blog attractive to your reader.Remember , care about your reader and provide what they lack of and they will fulfill yours.