From Affiliate Marketing to Niche Marketing

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When I start looking into Affiliate Makerting , there are a lot of teaching on technical know "how" such as using google adwords to start your campaign , pick the best keyword using keyword elite ,leeching the gurus and numerous technique on how to make your adword campaign a profitable one. But all those lack of technical know "Where" .The "Where" is referring where is your target customer , particularly what segment of the market you are targeting too , where are they located and etc. Hence Niche Marketing came into picture .As an affiliate marketer you cant possibily focus on each market niche.Pick the best niche you are interested and start promoting product to this niche for example how to be the best singer , how to tune your race car , train your dog to pee at toilet and etc .This is the "Where" i was referring too.

Patric Chan , a Malaysian internet millionaire started his online business back to year 2003 who has been very successful in locating potential niches .He has few products that teach you on niche marketing , how to start from scratch and how to start making money .If you are interested , take a look at his products .
His product on niche marketing : and this is the Chan Do Internet Success System website :

We have all the information we want ,is time to take Action :)

Why Affiliate Marketing Gurus reveals their dark secrets one after another

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"I was one the same as you , broke , heading no way and banging the wall" ,sounds familiar ? If you bought any ebook on Affiliate Marketing most likely you will come cross this. They are making 7 figures with their adword campaigns and now they are going to reveals their secrets to you which worth thousands and with limited time offer you can get it just $XX .

Everyone is looking to quit their day job , enjoy their life , no more traffic jam , more time with family , this make us , yes , all of us the biggest and most profitable niche for the Affiliate Marketing Gurus out there.

If you just get started to be a Affiliate Marketer be aware that you as an newbie affiliate marketer belongs to the most profitable niche in the Affiliate Marketing industry,hence open your eyes to those gurus who claimed "risking their life" to reveals you the path to the dark side.Once you have joined the Dark Side , your desire to get more power will be endless and the Sith Lord has just what you want but with a price .Be Wise and Be Smart

Happy Chinese New Year

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Happy Chinese New Year to all my blog readers eventhough i dont know some of you but we are well conneted via this little blog of mine.I will be back to my hometown to celebrate CNY in Temerloh , Pahang , Malaysia . Overally February is a good month for autosurfer , this is thegolden month , make full use of it :)

Day Job Killer

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I have bought myself a copy of Day Job Killer by Chris , all i want to say it is eye opening for newbie like me and widening my thought about affliate marketing and how small ant like us with limited capital can start to apply techniques in the book to earn money. I am serious , damn serious , i am going to setup a company for this purpose , you will be seeing more posting on my adventure in affliate marketing in the next few months . Thousand journey start from the first step , i believe i am close to take the first step , wish me luck guys !

Clickbank & Paypal: How To Profit In Malaysia & Other Countries Where Using These Programs Are A Challenge

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If you still remember in my previous post regarding how difficult for being a Malaysian to become a successful internet enterprenuer due to restriction from Paypal , Clickbank and etc .When a door close , Gobala , the author of Chapter-M shows you another door to overcome the obstacle , but you need to pay for it. Fortunately I just found out in IAHBE that he is also publishing some of the technique in Chapter-M which you can read it here .
If you working you way to be an Malaysian Internet Enterpreneur , the information provided by him is invaluable.

Day Job Killer

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If you are a Marketer by profession or you are tired with your day job and looking for internet opportunities and get scam the "N" times and when you are frustrated and losing hope to find a way , PassiveRevenue strongly recommend you to steer your direction to Affliate Marketing. In a nutshell , as an affliate marketer , you are promoting other people product , usually in the form of ebook or software via ClickBank . In turn , you will get affliate commision when you sold their product.In another way , you are Global Online Marketer , your target market no longer limited to where you live but which planet you live.

Is it not easy to be a successful online marketer but this is where my future direction is . So if you would like to explore more with Affliate Marketing , chris , the creator of Project X is launching his new product - Day Job Killer ,if you interested , go here and take a look :

About This Blog

This is my internet marketing journey blog . As an internet marketing newbie , we always overloaded by information from various sources. My objective is to share what i have learned and practice throughout this amazing journey . The goal is to earn $1 a day , everyday , the passive way . I am just an average joe and I strongly believe that if i can do it , you can too !