A successful Internet Marketing story from Malaysian to Malaysian

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As mentioned earlier , Gobala has launched his new effort to reveal his secret on how to become a successful internet marketer in Malaysia . The registration to his site is free for the first 500 members only . Personally i think this is a invaluable opportunity to learn from a successful Internet Marketer from Malaysia . Sign up to his site and find out why he think MLM, Autosurf and HYIP is just waste of time .

Remember the registration is free for the first 500 members only , after that he will charges $147 per person . Hurry up and register yourself here :

Azizi Ali - Millionaires Coach

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If you visit MPH or other major bookstores in malaysia , you will definately find his book at the Property/Investment section.Yes , Azizi is an author who has become Millionaire by investing in Malaysia's property market . His books include :

  1. How to Become a Millionaire Landlord
  2. The Millionaire in Me
  3. Millionaires are from a different Planet
  4. How to Become a Property Millionaire
  5. mXe! Five Keys to Become an Extreme Millionaire
  6. The Millionaire Chronicles
I have bought few of his book and it was a good read . If you interested to get yourself a copy , here is the good news :

In conjunction with the launch of our new look website,
we are going to have a Special Sale of our books. For the
first time ever, selected books are going for discounts
ranging from 30% up to 50% off the retail price! That's
right; up to 50% off the retail price!

We are sure that you would want to benefit from this
fabulous offer as this is your opportunity to improve your
financial knowledge at a fraction of the usual price.

The sale period is for three days only; beginning Tuesday
midnight 14th Nov 2006 until midnight 16th Nov 2006.
So tell all your friends, family and acquaintances to get
ready for the sale on those dates!

To make matters even more interesting, we are giving away
5 FREE seats to our upcoming Property Millionaire Mini
Workshop worth RM190 each! The first person to make an
order above RM100 through our secure online site
(using credit card) will win a free seat; the first person to
make an order above RM100 through Maybank2U will win
a free seat as well; the first person to pay cash above RM100
by coming to our office will win a free seat; and the person
with the highest order will win two free seats! So you now
have five more reasons to make your order at the sale.

Of course, you are entitled to FREE postage and handling as
usual. In other words, you get the great discounts but pay
nothing extra by ordering directly from us.

You can make your order by logging on to our website at
www.MillionairesPlanet.com and following the instructions.
You can make your payment through our secure online site,
Maybank2U, cheque or even cash if you come to our sparkling
and brand new office.

Remember these dates: Tuesday 14th Nov 2006 until
midnight 16th Nov 2006.

Well don't miss this opportunity to grab his book at discounted price , remember the sales has started today and will be end 16th Nov 2006. I will recommend to read "The Millionaire in Me" and "Millionaires are from a different Planet" first .

Good days.

Gobala Krishnan - A Successful Malaysia Internet Entrepreneur

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He quited his job , he was broke and in debt. He ate maggie mee and roti kosong for weeks until he discovers the secret to change his life forever .

Gobala is the author of Chapter-M which has earned him thousands via Clickbank. In order to return the good will from his supporters , he is planning to reveal his secret to you for free , so watch out this date : 15 Nov 2006 and visit his site for more information : http://www.100percentmalaysian.com

About This Blog

This is my internet marketing journey blog . As an internet marketing newbie , we always overloaded by information from various sources. My objective is to share what i have learned and practice throughout this amazing journey . The goal is to earn $1 a day , everyday , the passive way . I am just an average joe and I strongly believe that if i can do it , you can too !